Welcome to week three of the One Room Challenge, and a long-awaited update on our bedroom makeover. I delayed this week’s post because I wanted to have more to report on, and thankfully I do! After looking back at my planned schedule for this bedroom makeover, I was shocked that I’m not as far behind as I feel. We have 4.5 weeks left until the official reveal day, so I’m full steam ahead!
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Before I get into this week’s post, I want to thank my partners – Sleep & Beyond (https://sleepandbeyond.com/) provided me with a all new bedding set (which I’m completely obsessed with at this point). Check out my week 2 blog for more info on my wool duvet/pillow and why the materials you choose in your bedroom matter! Fanimation (https://www.fanimationlighting.com/) provided me with a brand new ceiling fan, which I’ll get into more below. By Cloud Designs for the gorgeous Turkish rug pillows (be sure to check out their Etsy shop for one-of-a-kind pieces!).
Now, on to our One Room Challenge Bedroom Renovation…
One Room Challenge Bedroom Update – Week 3

We Built a WALL!
This project quickly went from “simple closet install” to framing out a full on wall with doorways and all the stuff. Building a wall was definitely not part of my original plan! However, it turns out it was necessary in order to accommodate the hidden doors I’m planning to install. Initially, I was thinking of this as more of a built-in cabinet. However, the doors (due to their size and weight) cannot be treated as cabinet doors.
So, my simple cabinet build turned into a full closet addition. That meant framing out a wall (done!), finding some heavy duty concealed door hinges (in progress), and figuring out how to make this all look good (TBD). I still need to add drywall to the back side of my framing before I can install my shelves. I’ve already sourced wood for my slat wall front. Now I just have to figure out how to make it just right to accommodate the doors and look seamless. Wish me luck!
We Installed a FAN!
Our new ceiling fan from Fanimation arrived this week! It’s a mega upgrade from our old fan. It’s solid metal with propeller-looking solid wood blades. I love it so much! My husband already commented on how quiet it runs.
You might notice that it is all black rather than having natural wood blades as I showed in my mood board. That’s because I also decided to add beams to our ceiling! I debated on them at first and didn’t think I had time to add another DIY to my project list for this room. But, I just couldn’t picture the room without them, so I’m going for it! Since I’ll already have wood beams, I decided the black fan would tie in better, especially since I’m already adding so many wood accents in this room.

We Have a New RUG!
This week I also decided on a rug! If you’ve been following along on Instagram, then you may have heard about the many rugs I bought, set up, and returned before going with something I knew I would love. Lesson learned: if you know you like a particular style/color/pattern/texture combo, it’s okay to repeat that throughout your home! I initially shied away from this rug; I thought it was too similar to the one I have in our living room (which I love BTW). My home is much more about textures and materials, than colors or patterns. That’s just my style, and my taste in clothes is exactly the same. Lesson learned: stick with what you already love!
Up Next in Our Bedroom Makeover:
Week 1 – Create a Plan & Source Large Items Needed DONE!
Week 2 – Hang & Hem Curtains (In Progress), Get Started on Built-In Storage DONE!
Week 3 – Continue on Built-In Storage, Source Wood for Feature DONE!
Week 4 – Complete Built-In Storage and Hidden Doors, DIY Ceiling Beams
Week 5 – Complete Headboard Feature Wall, DIY Headboard, Replace Ceiling Fan DONE!
Week 6 – Refinish Dresser, Source Nightstands, Paint Doors/Trim
Week 7 – Final Details, Complete Anything Leftover
Week 8 – Final Reveal!
Make sure to check out the other room makeovers on the One Room Challenge Blog!