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Bedroom Makeover Week 3 Update – One Room Challenge

Welcome to week three of the One Room Challenge, and a long-awaited update on our bedroom makeover. I delayed this week’s post because I wanted to have more to report on, and thankfully I do! After looking back at my planned schedule for this bedroom makeover, I was shocked that I’m not as far behind as I feel. We have 4.5 weeks left until the official reveal day, so I’m full steam ahead!

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Before I get into this week’s post, I want to thank my partners – Sleep & Beyond ( provided me with a all new bedding set (which I’m completely obsessed with at this point). Check out my week 2 blog for more info on my wool duvet/pillow and why the materials you choose in your bedroom matter! Fanimation ( provided me with a brand new ceiling fan, which I’ll get into more below. By Cloud Designs for the gorgeous Turkish rug pillows (be sure to check out their Etsy shop for one-of-a-kind pieces!).

Now, on to our One Room Challenge Bedroom Renovation…

One Room Challenge Bedroom Update – Week 3

Bedroom makeover One Room Challenge Fall 2022
LOVE our new ceiling fan! And pretty proud of the wall we built… Now to finish it!

We Built a WALL!

This project quickly went from “simple closet install” to framing out a full on wall with doorways and all the stuff. Building a wall was definitely not part of my original plan! However, it turns out it was necessary in order to accommodate the hidden doors I’m planning to install. Initially, I was thinking of this as more of a built-in cabinet. However, the doors (due to their size and weight) cannot be treated as cabinet doors.

So, my simple cabinet build turned into a full closet addition. That meant framing out a wall (done!), finding some heavy duty concealed door hinges (in progress), and figuring out how to make this all look good (TBD). I still need to add drywall to the back side of my framing before I can install my shelves. I’ve already sourced wood for my slat wall front. Now I just have to figure out how to make it just right to accommodate the doors and look seamless. Wish me luck!

We Installed a FAN!

Our new ceiling fan from Fanimation arrived this week! It’s a mega upgrade from our old fan. It’s solid metal with propeller-looking solid wood blades. I love it so much! My husband already commented on how quiet it runs.

You might notice that it is all black rather than having natural wood blades as I showed in my mood board. That’s because I also decided to add beams to our ceiling! I debated on them at first and didn’t think I had time to add another DIY to my project list for this room. But, I just couldn’t picture the room without them, so I’m going for it! Since I’ll already have wood beams, I decided the black fan would tie in better, especially since I’m already adding so many wood accents in this room.

ORC Bedroom Rug
This was the rug from my original mood board. And I did actually really like it, except it had a much more green tone rather than neutral and didn’t match everything else I was going for.

We Have a New RUG!

This week I also decided on a rug! If you’ve been following along on Instagram, then you may have heard about the many rugs I bought, set up, and returned before going with something I knew I would love. Lesson learned: if you know you like a particular style/color/pattern/texture combo, it’s okay to repeat that throughout your home! I initially shied away from this rug; I thought it was too similar to the one I have in our living room (which I love BTW). My home is much more about textures and materials, than colors or patterns. That’s just my style, and my taste in clothes is exactly the same. Lesson learned: stick with what you already love!


Up Next in Our Bedroom Makeover:

Week 1 – Create a Plan & Source Large Items Needed DONE!

Week 2 – Hang & Hem Curtains (In Progress), Get Started on Built-In Storage DONE!

Week 3 – Continue on Built-In Storage, Source Wood for Feature DONE!

Week 4 – Complete Built-In Storage and Hidden Doors, DIY Ceiling Beams

Week 5 – Complete Headboard Feature Wall, DIY Headboard, Replace Ceiling Fan DONE!

Week 6 – Refinish Dresser, Source Nightstands, Paint Doors/Trim

Week 7 – Final Details, Complete Anything Leftover

Week 8 – Final Reveal!


Make sure to check out the other room makeovers on the One Room Challenge Blog!

One Room Challenge Guest Participant

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